Friday, July 25, 2014

Polish Addict Neon Moon and GIVEAWAY!! reminder

Here it is folks - the last of the colors in the prize pack I contributed to the giveaway going on at Over The Top Coat.  Giveaway ends on July 29th, so you still have a bit of time to enter.  Hurry over and get in on the fun!

I have a sneaking suspicion that this one may be the favorite color of the ones I've shown.  It is a deep blue jelly, with a generous amount of micro glitter that flashes oh so brightly when this baby is top coated...I give you Polish Addict Neon Moon.

Just a prize reminder, and also links to the other colors.  The prize pack:

PRIZE IS:  all 8 polishes shown, but in the 7ml mini size.
6 colors from the summer NEON collection, Holo topcoat,
and 80's Baby neon glitter topper.

The colors I've already shown are:  Caution (orange), Lime Light (green), Barbie Code (pink), Sea Witch (purple), and Bikini Bottom (yellow).

So, here is Neon Moon.  I wouldn't exactly call this neon, but it is definitely a summer color.  The blue is so gorgeously saturated in this, and the jelly is just fabulous with a top coat.  It dries to a satin matte finish on it's own, and even though I liked that finish with this color, I prefer the top coated version.  This was a tough call, but the color in the glitter in this one just sparkles with the added top coat.

I had a lot of trouble with photos of these.  The sun was playing peek-a-boo, and when I finally got a patch of it to take photos, I was kind of taking them blind.  I couldn't really see my screen, and many of them came out a bit blurry, so I didn't use most of them.  But, here is what I got.

These are 2 coats of polish, no undies and no top coat.

None of my matte & top coat comparisons came out clear for both fingers, so all I've got are fully top coated.  MUCH, MUCH more sparkly in person.  But look at how squishy that blue is!

So, there are the colors.  Tomorrow, I'll have the last 2 polishes in the pack:  the toppers.

Happy Friday night everyone!


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