Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ABC Mani challenge

OK.  I have been on a little bit of a binge, and dived into the whole polish, manicure, etc. blog reading thing.  I am REALLY new to this, and stumbled across the blog "Kimber's Lacquer Korner".
I read about an ABC manicure challenge, and I figured WOW...I don't have a blog, and I have no real idea what I'm doing.  What a GREAT idea to get involved!!

So here I am trying to play catch up, but I usually thrive under pressure.  The blog is still a work in progress, but not too shabby so far for such short notice, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Not too shabby at all. It's a starting place. A fine launching pad. And best of all...

    It will be fun.


